

Welcome to the Fraser High School online course selection

Our course structure has been designed to provide the widest possible flexibility in course choice, and should the need arise, provide opportunities for pursuing courses at more than one level in the same year.

The courses cater for students who are planning to go to university, polytechnic or other tertiary institutions and also for students who are planning to enter the workforce at the end of Year 12 or Year 13.

Remember that there are prerequisites that must be met to gain entry into most courses for NCEA. Students will have their courses confirmed in January..

Fraser High School offers a range of career-related courses that complement our conventional subjects. These courses almost always offer Standards for one or more national qualifications.

It is important to take advantage of the opportunities for advice which the school provides as you plan your courses for the coming year. Please contact the school office to make an appointment with the careers advisor if you need help or advise planning for your future.

The following information is designed to help you achieve to your potential, reach your goals and enjoy a successful year at Fraser High School in Year 11, 12 or 13.

Year 11 Student Requirements

  • Students must study five(5) subjects.
  • English or Te Reo Maori is compulsory.
  • Mathematics is compulsory.
  • A Science subject is highly recommended.

Year 12 Student Requirements

  • Students must study five(5) subjects.
  • Students should study an English Course or Te Reo Maori Course.
  • Students intending to go to University or another tertiary institution should check requirements as described below.

Year 13 Student Requirements

  • Students must study five(5) subjects.
  • To qualify for graduation, at least three subjects must be at NCEA Level 3.
  • Students intending to go to University should check requirements as described on the NZQA website or in the University Entrance from NCEA section of this booklet.

New Zealand Scholarship

Students who excel academically may also enter for a New Zealand Scholarship (as well as NCEA Level 3) in 1 or more subjects.

The content of the Scholarship course is the same as for NCEA Level 3 but on top of that students will be expected to do independent work in greater depth.

All assessments are external (i.e. exams) and are standards based.

The steps to follow in selecting your subjects for next year are.

  1. Do your research on the subjects you might take, requirements for NCEA and entrance to tertiary courses you may wish to enroll in.
    • Talk to your teachers, Heads of Departments, etc
    • Talk your courses over with family, family friends, work contacts etc.
    • Read the outline of the course
  2. Complete the online subject selection
    1. Year 10, 11, 12 and 13 students choosing subjects for next year are to:
      • select the six (6) subject you wish to take next year.
      • and select two(2) more subjects as backup subjects.
  3. Year 10 Students will have a meeting with either the careers councilors or a Dean to discuss your selections.