Legal Studies - NCEA Level 2
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Mrs G. Cazalas Luque.
Empower yourself, your friends, and family with a practical understanding of many key legal concepts. This course will provide you with skills and practical knowledge of the New Zealand Legal System and how to apply law in everyday life.
The course covers:
- Law in Society
- Justice System and how it works
- Crime and consequences
- Contract law
- Youth Justice
- Students legal rights and responsibilities
- Consumer rights
- Marriage, civil union and de-facto relationship law
This course also cover other useful legal issues and terminology relevant in everyday life.
Course Overview
Term 1
This term we will be learning about the elements and categories of crime, the different factors that may contribute to criminal offending, the non-legal consequences of crime, the aims of criminal sanctions and the distinctive features of criminal sanctions.
Later in the term we will be learning about students' legal rights, forms of discipline, the suspension process, students' personal responsibilities and the relationship between students' legal rights and personal responsibilities.
Term 2
This term we will be learning about the six different types of justice. These include:
- Retributive justice
- Restorative justice
- Marae Justice
- Utilitarian justice
- Distributive justice
- Social Justice
Term 3
This term we will be learning about New Zealand law in relation to marriage, civil unions and defacto relationships.
Term 4
This term we will be learning about factors contributing to crime as well as the consequences of crime.
Recommended Prior Learning
Must have Level 1 Literacy or approval of teacher in charge of Legal Studies.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Describe factors contributing to, and consequences of, crime
Term: 2023-05-25, Week: 2023-05-25
Describe the application of New Zealand law to personal relationships
Term: 2023-05-25, Week: 2023-05-25
Describe the legal rights and personal responsibilities of secondary school students
Term: 2023-05-25, Week: 2023-05-25
Explain concepts of justice
Term: 2023-05-25, Week: 2023-05-25
Explain concepts of law
Term: 2023-05-25, Week: 2023-05-25