Science - NCEA Level 1

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs J. Healy.

Maa te whakaaro nui e hanga te whare (Big ideas create the house);

Maa te maatauranga e whakauu (Knowledge maintains it).

Are you interested in finding out about the world and everything in it?

This foundational Science course is a great introduction to developing a range of scientific investigation skills, including information analysis and critical thinking, with a specific focus on our environment here in Aotearoa New Zealand and the ecosystems within it.  While it leads directly to Level 2 Chemistry and Physics, it is also possible to enter Level 2 Biology from this course.

Scientific skills and knowledge are important for day to day living. They help to inform problem solving and decision making across all aspects of life. Many of the major challenges and opportunities that confront our world need to be considered from a scientific perspective.

During this course, we will cover three key areas of science:

  • Investigating Earth Systems, including interactions between the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere
  • Investigating Chemical Reactions on Earth
  • Investigating Heat Transfer on Earth

This course is largely internally assessed, with 16 credits available via internal assessments throughout the year, with another 5 credits available through an external assessment at the end of the year.

Science is a literacy and numeracy-rich subject and makes connections with a range of other curriculum areas, including English, Social Science, Mathematics, and Physical Education and Health. 

Science is required for many career pathways including Health, Engineering, Architecture, Computer Science, Veterinary Science, Nutrition Science, and Piloting.  It is also strongly recommended for Trades and Apprenticeships, Armed Services, and Teaching.

If you want to find out more about our planet and its interacting environments, this is the course for you!

Course Overview

Term 1
In Term 1, we start our learning journey into Investigating Earth Systems.

We start with the basics about matter and energy and how these influence the interactions between different systems on Earth, including the geosphere (Earth), hydrosphere (oceans and waterways), atmosphere (sky), and biosphere (living things).

We also learn about the crucial role of inquiry in Science and practice a range of different investigation skills including observing and exploring, ,classifying and identifying, modelling, fair testing, and pattern seeking.

Scientific investigations are a major component of this course, so there is a lot of practical, hands-on, learning activities, and this investigative learning will be assessed early in Term 2.

Term 2
In Term 2, we narrow our focus to chemical reactions, such as combustion, neutralisation, combination and decomposition, and precipatation reactions as they occur on Earth.

We will carry out a range of investigations, including both research and laboratory practical tasks, to learn about chemical reactions, both in general and in specific environmental contexts.

This learning will be internally assessed early in Term 3.

Term 3
In Term 3, we shift our focus to Physics, specifically energy and how heat is transferred on Earth and in our society.

This learning will be internally assessed with an investigation into heat transfer throughout Term 3 and Term 4.

Term 4
Throughout the year, we will be working on our skills for identifying and describing features of science that contribute to the development of science ideas, specifically in Aotearoa New Zealand. This is a crucial skill for understanding how scientific ideas emerge and evolve over time to influence learning and informed decision-making in our lives and communities.

This learning will be externally assessed at the end of the year with a common assessment activity (CAA) provided by NZQA.

If you successfully complete this course, you can gain up to 21 credits towards your NCEA Level 1 qualification. If you gain at least 14 at Achieved, Merit, or Excellence, including the externally assessed standard, you can also gain a course endorsement for Level 1 Science.


Science offers aakonga a platform for gaining and applying skills across a wide range of potential pathways. Science thinking is logical and creative, subject specific and transferable. Through Science, ākonga will learn skills in critical thinking, communication, collaboration, analysis, research, inquiry, peer review, and systems thinking.

Science fosters the ability to interpret and communicate information about complex issues. This will help aakonga to make informed, responsible decisions related to themselves, their communities, and the world. Science also encourages looking at the world from multiple perspectives and seeking out evidence to support conclusions. These skills are valuable in every career pathway.

Through Science, aakonga will learn skills in critical thinking, communication, collaboration, analysis, research, inquiry, peer review, and systems thinking. Learning in Science may lead ākonga to a career in research and development, medicine, dentistry, food and nutrition, psychology, engineering, education, agriculture, viticulture, biosecurity, forestry, conservation, resource management, architecture, or politics.

There are many pathways for furthering science studies at tertiary level. Aakonga may wish to study a general science course, or specialise in areas such as neuroscience, zoology, medical laboratory science, forensic pathology, physiotherapy, veterinary science, electrical engineering, psychology, or aeronautics.

More broadly, science skills are used in career pathways such as hairdressing, dairy farming, production management, health and safety advisor, pest control, or the armed forces.

Career Pathways

Credit Information

You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.

This course is eligible for subject endorsement.

Total Credits Available: 21
Internal Assessed Credits: 16
External Assessed Credits: 5
Internal or
L1 Literacy Credits
UE Literacy Credits
Numeracy Credits
A.S. 91921 v4

Science 1.2 - Demonstrate understanding of the use of a range of scientific investigative approaches in a context

Further assessment opportunities will not be offered for this standard in line with NZQA guidelines

Level: 1
Internal or External: Internal
Credits: 5
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0

Term: 2023-11-07, Week: 2023-11-07

A.S. 91922 v4

Science 1.3 - Describe features of science that have contributed to the development of a science idea in a local context

Further assessment opportunities will not be offered for this standard in line with NZQA guidelines

Level: 1
Internal or External: External
Credits: 5
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0

Term: 4, Week: 4

A.S. 92021 v4

Chemistry and Biology 1.2 - Demonstrate understanding of chemical reactions in context

Further assessment opportunities will not be offered for this standard in line with NZQA guidelines

Level: 1
Internal or External: Internal
Credits: 6
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0

Term: 2023-11-07, Week: 2023-11-07

A.S. 92045 v3

Physics, Earth and Space Science 1.2 - Demonstrate understanding of a physical phenomenon through investigation

Further assessment opportunities will not be offered for this standard in line with NZQA guidelines

Level: 1
Internal or External: Internal
Credits: 5
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0

Term: 2023-11-07, Week: 2023-11-07

Credit Summary
Total Credits: 21
Total Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
Total University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Total Numeracy Credits: 0

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