Pacific Studies - NCEA Level 1
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Mr J. Si'ilata.
In the Pacific Studies course, students will investigate the different issues that affect our Pacific nations. The course has three specific units of learning which are Pacific Indigenous Knowledge, Pacific Change and Development and Pacific Societies. The Pacific Studies Course is open for all students to learn about the history, culture, language, protocols and traditions of the Pacific.
Pacific Studies also offers Achievement Standards in Gagana Samoa, Lea Faka-Tonga, Vagahau Niue and Cook Islands Māori.
Gagana Sāmoa, Lea Faka-Tonga and Cook Islands Māori are University Entrance subjects at NCEA Level 3.
Course Overview
Term 1
US:17162 - Internal
Pacific Indigenous Knowledge
Draw a conclusion after an investigation into an aspect of Pacific Indigenous Knowledge with direction
Term 2
US:17165 - Internal
Pacific Change & Development
Draw a conclusion after an investigation into an aspect of Pacific Change & Development with direction
Term 3
US:17168 - Internal
Pacific Society
Draw a conclusion after an investigation into an aspect of Pacific Society with direction
US:26538 - Internal
Pacific Indigenous Knowledge
Communicate understanding of an aspect of Pacific culture through a planned presentation with direction
Term 4
* Additional Standard Available
AS:90819 - Internal
Tongan faith - Evolution of belief from the old gods to LDS (including political context)
Describe key beliefs of a religious tradition (Understanding Religion)
* Additional Standard Available
AS:91043 - Internal
Mau Movement - Samoan resistance to NZ Governance
Describe a social justice and human rights action (Senior Social Studies)
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Social Studies 1.5 - Describe a social justice and human rights action
Lea Faka-Tonga 1.1 - Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Lea Faka-Tonga texts on areas of most immediate relevance
Lea Faka-Tonga 1.4 - Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Lea Faka-Tonga texts on areas of most immediate relevance