Te Reo Maaori - NCEA Level 3
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Matua P. McGrath.
This course is designed for those students who are developing confidence to use Te Reo Maaori. Students will enhance their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in more unfamiliar contexts. Cultural aspects are an integral part of learning a language and as such are incorporated into every lesson. Students will use acquired language and explore new language features to grow their understanding of Te Reo Maaori.
This is an approved subject for University Entrance.
Course Overview
Term 1
Tikanga - students will explore aspects of tikanga marae including waiata, karakia, waiata-a-iwi and mihimihi ookawa for different scenarios. Students will be expected to learn and present waiata, karakia and mihimihi ookawa.
Kiingitanga Hui - Poukai and Koroneihana feature in this experience. Students are expected to attend two poukai and the annual koroneihana of Kiingi Tuheitia Potatau Te Wherowhero VII.
Pakanga Whenua - students will research historical events and craft a discussion paper exploring the impact of the land wars on hapuu within Waikato.
Term 2
Tikanga - students will explore aspects of tikanga marae including waiata, karakia, waiata-a-iwi and mihimihi ookawa for different scenarios. Students will be expected to learn and present waiata, karakia and mihimihi ookawa.
Kiingitanga Hui - Poukai and Koroneihana feature in this experience. Students are expected to attend two poukai and the annual koroneihana of Kiingi Tuheitia Potatau Te Wherowhero VII.
Puuraakau, pakiwaitara - students will study and create their own puuraakau/pakiwaitara drawing on examples studied in class. Students will be expected to not only create their own example of a puuraakau/pakiwaitara, but deliver to an audience.
Term 3
Tikanga - students will explore aspects of tikanga marae including waiata, karakia, waiata-a-iwi and mihimihi ookawa for different scenarios. Students will be expected to learn and present waiata, karakia and mihimihi ookawa.
Kiingitanga Hui - Koroneihana feature in this experience. Students are expected to attend the annual koroneihana of Kiingi Tuheitia Potatau Te Wherowhero VII.
Term 4
Preparation for the NCEA examinations take priority this term.
Recommended Prior Learning
16 credits or more from NCEA Level 2 Te Reo Maori , including AS90440 and 91287, or with Head of Maaori approval.
Further tertiary study
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Appreciate mana whenua for a whakairo context through te reo
Term: 2023-05-22, Week: 2023-05-22
Te Reo Māori 3.1 - Whakarongo kia mohio ki te reo Māori o te ao whanui
Term: 2023-05-22, Week: 2023-05-22
Te Reo Māori 3.2 - Korero kia whakamahi i te reo Māori o te ao whanui
Term: 2023-05-22, Week: 2023-05-22
Te Reo Māori 3.3 - Panui kia mohio ki te reo Māori o te ao whanui
Further assessment opportunities will not be offered for this standard in line with NZQA guidelines
Term: 2023-05-22, Week: 2023-05-22
Te Reo Māori 3.4 - Tuhi i te reo Māori o te ao whanui
Further assessment opportunities will not be offered for this standard in line with NZQA guidelines
Term: 2023-05-22, Week: 2023-05-22
Te Reo Māori 3.5 - Waihanga tuhinga whai take i te reo Māori o te ao whanui
Term: 2023-05-22, Week: 2023-05-22
Optional Assessments
This course offers the following optional standards, which will be agreed upon in consultation with your teacher.
Participate in the powhiri process
Further assessment opportunities will not be offered for this standard in line with NZQA guidelines
Term: 4, Week: 4