Art Painting - NCEA Level 1
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Mrs A. Rogerson.
In this course students will use drawing, painting, printmaking sculpture and writing to research and develop ideas in response to a theme for the year. This course provides a strong basis for all NCEA Level 2 Visual Arts subjects, particularly NCEA Level 2 Painting (ARA7).
A range of additional art materials that may improve your child’s learning and art making experiences will be available for purchase through the school and selected suppliers.
Course Overview
Term 1
Visual Arts 1.1 - Demonstrate understanding of art works from a Maori and another cultural context using art terminology
Term 2
Visual Arts 1.2 - Use drawing methods and skills for recording information using wet and dry media
Visual Arts 1.3 - Use drawing conventions to develop work in more than one field of practice
Formative assessment in Week 7.
Term 3
Continue working with Visual Arts 1.2 - Use drawing methods and skills for recording information using wet and dry media and Visual Arts 1.3 - Use drawing conventions to develop work in more than one field of practice.
Practice exam during the practise exam week 5/6 Term3
Term 4
Visual Arts 1.4 - Produce a body of work informed by established practice, which develops ideas, using a range of media. this is due Week one and is the External Portfolio
Visual Arts 1.2 - Use drawing methods and skills for recording information using wet and dry media
Visual Arts 1.3 - Use drawing conventions to develop work in more than one field of practice.
these are due for Summative Evaluation and final assessment Week 5.
Visual Arts 1.5 - Produce a finished work that demonstrates skills appropriate to cultural conventions. Students produce an art work for the End of Year Exhibition.
Recommended Prior Learning
Year 10 Visual Arts or at the discretion of the Head of Art
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Visual Arts 1.1 - Use practice-based visual inquiry to explore an Aotearoa New Zealand Māori context and another cultural context
Visual Arts 1.2 - Produce a significant resolved artwork appropriate to established art making conventions
Visual Arts 1.3 - Explore Visual Arts processes and conventions to inform own art making
Visual Arts 1.4 - Create a sustained body of related artworks in response to an art making proposition