Childcare - NCEA Level 2
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Mrs G. Cazalas Luque.
‘The first three years last forever.’
Caring for children successfully is one of the biggest challenges we can take on. It's rewarding, fascinating, frustrating and a huge responsibility. Are you thinking of a career looking after children or with families, or maybe thinking towards your own future? Maybe you don't know anything about children and what to find out about their development and how to manage them. Maybe you love children and want to know more.
The course provides a base of knowledge and skills to work in occupations such as teaching, early childhood education, social work, psychology and nursing; where an understanding of human development and behaviour is important. The focus is on babies and children to age 6. The course develops an understanding of attachment which shapes how children relate to others, how they learn and develop, and how to make sure they are healthy, safe and well. You have the chance to show how to care for infants and toddlers and to create and use play experiences with infants, toddlers or young children. How to care for infants and toddlers and the importance of play. You can practise with the Real Care Baby, with the children who visit the class, and in an Early Childhood Education service.
Year 11 students may be eligible to take this course. They will need to contact Whaea Laura Green to discuss this option.
Course Overview
Term 1
US 29853 Children's Health
This term we will be learning about common children's health issues, communicable diseases and environmental factors affecting the health and well being of young children We will learn about immunisation programmes and health services in the community that protect and enhance the wellbeing of young children.
US 29854 Health and Safety
You will be able to describe personal and environmental hygiene and safety practices for the care of young children. You will be able to identify hazards in the home and outdoors and explain how to minimise these.
Term 2
US 29855 Describe attachment relationships & strategies used to support transitions for young children
People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe attachment behaviours and patterns of behaviour of young children; describe transition situations where young children require settling; and describe strategies used to support whanau/families and young children through transition situations.
Term 3
US 29857 Learning and development of young children
This term we will be learning the patterns of children's learning and development from birth to school entry. and what factors influence children's development. We will learn about the typical progression of development of speech and language in young children
Term 4
US 29858 Play Experiences
You will learn to describe the physical, social, emotional, cognitive and language dimensions and progressions of the development and learning of children from birth to school entry age; to describe environmental factors that may influence the learning of a child in an ECE service; to describe the how children gain early literacy skills.
Recommended Prior Learning
10 Level 1 Literacy Credits or approval from the Teacher in Charge of Childcare
This course can lead to Teaching at an Early Childhood Education service or the Home-based care of young children. It can lead to a career in primary teaching. It supports studies in social work, counseling, health occupations such as nursing, psychology, occupational therapy,
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Demonstrate knowledge of health issues, practices and services to protect and enhance the wellbeing of young children
Term: 2023-05-25, Week: 2023-05-25
Describe personal and environmental hygiene and safety practices for the care of young children
Term: 2023-02-27, Week: 2023-02-27
Describe attachment behaviours and strategies used to support transitions for young mokopuna/children
Term: 2023-02-27, Week: 2023-02-27
Describe patterns of development and learning for young mokopuna/children
Term: 2023-02-27, Week: 2023-02-27
Provide and reflect on the value of play experiences for a mokopuna/child's development and learning
Term: 2023-02-27, Week: 2023-02-27
Pathway Tags
Cook, Registered Nurse, Early Childhood Teacher, Nanny/Child Carer,