Child Development Studies - NCEA Level 3
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Mrs G. Cazalas Luque.
Do you want to know why people behave like they do, how to communicate with them, and manage them positively. This course offers valuable foundation standards for working with people in a wide range of occupations, not just Early Childhood Education: Social work, psychology, nursing, primary or secondary teaching. Students will study several dimensions of young children’s development with a particular focus on language. They will learn and apply strategies to manage children's behaviour positively and to communicate with children and their families/whanaufoster.
From foundation Unit Standards, interested and motivated students are able to choose the topics which are most relevant to their career pathway such as: communication with families, cultural diversity, the value of play, observation techniques, professional behaviour and ethical responsibilities, and knowledge and relevance of Te Tititi o Waitangi to ECE services.
Working with children at an ECE service is required to complete this course.
Course Overview
Term 1
US 29864 Demonstrate knowledge of children’s development & learning & their relevance to an ECE service
People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe the dimensions and progressions of the development and learning of children from birth to school entry age; describe environmental factors that may influence the development and learning of a child in an ECE service; describe the acquisition and development of language and literacies in children.
Term 2
US 26707 Describe the value of play & create resources for children’s development & learning in an ECE service
People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe the value of play to the development and learning of children in an ECE service; create, use and evaluate play resources for children in an ECE service.
29864 Demonstrate knowledge of attachment theories, behaviours & transition in an ECE service.
People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe health issues and factors that can influence children''s health and holistic wellbeing; describe practices to protect and promote the health and holistic wellbeing of children in an ECE service, and reflect on the importance of these in meeting children''s essential needs.
Term 3
US 26708 Develop respectful, reciprocal & responsive relationships with children in an ECE service.
People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe strategies that help to develop relationships with children in an ECE service; use and evaluate strategies to develop respectful, reciprocal and responsive relationships with a child in an ECE service.
Optional: US 29865 Describe & reflect on practices to protect & promote the health & holistic wellbeing of children in an ECE service.
People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe health issues and factors that can influence children''s health and holistic wellbeing; describe practices to protect and promote the health and holistic wellbeing of children in an ECE service, and reflect on the importance of these in meeting children''s essential needs.
Term 4
Optional: US 29865 Describe & reflect on practices to protect & promote the health & holistic wellbeing of children in an ECE service.
People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe health issues and factors that can influence children''s health and holistic wellbeing; describe practices to protect and promote the health and holistic wellbeing of children in an ECE service, and reflect on the importance of these in meeting children''s essential needs.
Recommended Prior Learning
Year 12 Childcare or approval from the Teacher in Charge of Childcare
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Demonstrate knowledge of mokopuna/children's holistic development and learning in an early childhood setting
Term: 2023-02-27, Week: 2023-02-27
Describe the value of play and create resources for children's learning and development in an early childhood setting
Term: 2023-02-27, Week: 2023-02-27
Describe respectful, reciprocal and responsive relationships with mokopuna/children in an early childhood setting
Term: 2023-02-27, Week: 2023-02-27
Demonstrate knowledge of attachment theories, behaviours and transition support in an early childhood setting
Term: 2023-02-27, Week: 2023-02-27
Describe and reflect on practices to protect and promote the health and holistic wellbeing of young mokopuna/children
Term: 2023-02-27, Week: 2023-02-27
Pathway Tags
Cook, Registered Nurse, Early Childhood Teacher, Nanny/Child Carer,