Geography - NCEA Level 3
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Mr B. Deane.
At Level 3, you will build on your geographic knowledge and perspective. You will conduct geographic research, study Coastal Geography and analyse contemporary geographic issues and events. This course is a continuation of Level 2 Geography. There will continue to be a large focus on field trips, these will help you understand and put into practice what you learn. This is not a subject easily picked up for the first time in Level 3, but it will be incredibly useful in helping you look at the world differently. Geographers are highly valued employees as they are known to be critical thinkers and have a broad understanding of the world around us.
This is an approved subject for University Entrance.
Course Overview
Term 1
This term you will be reintroduced to the key concepts in Geography. We will complete a refresher unit on "how to think like a Geographer" including the skills of finding, interpreting and using source material as evidence.
We will then embark on our first unit - "Coastal Processes". This will see us learn about the processes that interact to create the coastal environment of Whiritoa Beach. Our learning will take us to the beach for a period of time where we will conduct geographic research in our environment which will contribute to your first internal assessment: AS 91430 (3.5), due at the end of the Term.
Term 2
This term sees us shift our focus globally. We will explore a contemporary geographic issue at a global scale.
The interaction of people and place is important this term and you will be challenged to consider the effects our actions and perspectives have on the environments we live in.
The unit is taught across the term, with your learning contributing to two internal assessments: AS 91431 (3.6) and AS 91432 (3.7).
Term 3
By now you should be in a strong position to turn your attention to our external assessments.
AS 91426 and AS91429 both use the knowledge you have gained in Terms 1 and 2 (Coastal Processes and Geographic Skills).
We will measure our progress this term by taking part in our Senior School exams - an opportunity to experience the external assessments and practice our ability to communicate our ideas under pressure.
Term 4
The final 4 weeks of your journey through Geography will be used to intensively revise and prepare for the External examinations that will take place from Week 5 of Term 4.
Recommended Prior Learning
12-14 credits in NCEA Level 2 Geography including at least one external AS or at HOD discretion. NCEA Level 2 is a minimum requirement.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for subject endorsement.
This course is approved for University Entrance.
Geography 3.1 - Demonstrate understanding of how interacting natural processes shape a New Zealand geographic environment
Further assessment opportunities will not be offered for this standard in line with NZQA guidelines
Term: 2023-03-07, Week: 2023-03-07
Geography 3.4 - Demonstrate understanding of a given environment(s) through selection and application of geographic concepts and skills
Further assessment opportunities will not be offered for this standard in line with NZQA guidelines
Term: 2023-03-07, Week: 2023-03-07
Geography 3.5 - Conduct geographic research with consultation
Term: 2023-03-07, Week: 2023-03-07
Geography 3.6 - Analyse aspects of a contemporary geographic issue
Term: 2023-03-07, Week: 2023-03-07
Geography 3.7 - Analyse aspects of a geographic topic at a global scale
Term: 2023-03-07, Week: 2023-03-07
Approved subject for University Entrance
Number of credits that can be used for overall endorsement: 19
Only students engaged in learning and achievement derived from Te Marautanga o Aotearoa are eligible to be awarded these subjects as part of the requirement for 14 credits in each of three subjects.
Pathway Tags
Education, Planning, Earth Sciences, Geology, Local Government, Research, Analyst, Mining Engineer, Survey Technician, Historian, Outdoor Recreation Guide/Instructor, Surveyor, Fishing Skipper, Urban/Regional Planner, Emergency Management Officer, Meteorologist, Miner/Quarry Worker, Mine/Quarry Manager, Driller, Geologist, Environmental Scientist, Environmental Engineer, Ranger, Landscape Architect, Geophysicist, Policy Analyst, Secondary School Teacher,