Horticulture - NCEA Level 3
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Mrs K. Brownlee.
This course continues to build students Horticultural knowledge from Level 1 and Level 2 Horticulture in following are
The main topics covered in this course are:
• Propagation and naming of native plants
• Planting of trees and shrubs
• Weed identification and control
• Structure and function of plants
This course leads into different horticultural fields such as Amenity, Arboriculture, Landscape design and Landscape construction at tertiary level. This course will also gives students a good level of horticultural knowledge and skills so they can go into employment.
Depending on cohort requirements, appropriate standards will be chosen at start of year
Recommended Prior Learning
HOR7 recommended, do not necessarily need to have passed NCEA Level 2. Get HOD approval
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Identify and describe weeds, and methods of prevention and control
Term: 2023-03-09, Week: 2023-03-09
Describe rural pest animals, monitoring and control operations in New Zealand
Prepare and use traps to control rural pest animals
Demonstrate knowledge of plant structure, functions and processes
Pathway Tags
Agricultural/Horticultural Scientist, Agricultural/Horticultural Consultant, Beekeeper, Arborist, Farmer/Farm Manager, Biosecurity Officer, Crop Worker, Crop Farmer/Manager, Forest Manager, Forestry and Logging Worker, Forestry Scientist, Landscaper, Groundsperson, Nursery Grower/Worker, Packhouse Worker, Quarantine Officer, Orchard Farmer/Manager,