Te Reo Maaori - NCEA Level 1
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Matua P. McGrath.
The emphasis of this course is on developing students' listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Te Reo Maori. Cultural aspects are integrated into all facets of the course.
Course Overview
Term 1
Te Rere o Te Reo
Wellcoming and thanking people in formal and informal situations is important for all to know. Students will grow their understanding and confidence to deliver a mihi to a person, group of people, or kaupapa. This will include understanding the complexities of mihi from beginning to end. This learning is scaffolded and provides well supported context for students to practice their new learning.
Term 2
Te Ora o Te Reo
The focus this term is to understand the history of te reo Maaori within Aotearoa. Students will study historical factors that have impacted the vitality of te reo Maaori and the subsequent consequences of these events on te reo Maaori. Students use an inquiry research model to investigate these factors and discuss the consequences that these events had on the vitality of te reo Maaori. As well the social inquiry, students continue to learn and practice language to help them discuss the impact of these historical factors on te reo Maaori.
Term 3
Ngaa Maataapono o Te Reo
Students continue to refine their ability to write and speak te reo Maaori. Understanding the A/O category is integral to understand concepts such as whanaungatanga. Ngaa Maataapono o Te Reo focuses on the relationships between people objects and things. A fun, interactive way to engage students and learning discussing the A/O categories.
Term 4
Te Tika o Te Reo
Students continue to refine their ability to write and speak te reo Maaori. All learning is scaffolded in a supportive learning environment. Over the duration of the year, students have the opportunity to select one koorero and one tuhituhi for their end of year portfolio submission.
Recommended Prior Learning
Year 10 Te Reo Maori or Head of Maori approval
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for subject endorsement.
Te Reo M�ori 1.1 - Te korerorero i nga parongo, i nga aria me nga whakaaro
Term: 2023-05-22, Week: 2023-05-22
Te Reo M�ori 1.2 - Te whakapuaki whakaaro e pa ana ki tetahi horopaki e ora nei te reo
Term: 2023-05-22, Week: 2023-05-22
Te Reo M�ori 1.3 - Te whakaatu i te maramatanga ki te reo Māori me ona matapono i tetahi horopaki e taunga ana
Term: 2023-05-22, Week: 2023-05-22
Te Reo M�ori 1.4 - Te tuhi e pa ana ki tetahi horopaki e taunga ana
Term: 2023-05-22, Week: 2023-05-22