Drama - Year 10
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Mrs K. Trigger.
Drama offers an opportunity for students to express themselves in a variety of ways. Students taking this course will need to be self-disciplined and enthusiastic. This course is for students who enjoyed Year 9 Drama and want to develop their skills further.
Students will learn about the use of drama techniques and conventions to create effect.
Students will develop confidence, imagination, trust and self-awareness through drama activities.
•Character Building
•Devising Drama
•Performance work
•Study of a theatre form or period
Course Overview
Term 1
Students will work to create their own pieces of work, exploring the elements and conventions of Drama
Term 2
Students will explore different genres of theatre including Shakespeare and puppet making
Term 3
Students will work with scripts to create performance work, and explore documentary Drama
Term 4
Students will explore the genres of soap opera and monologues to further their skills for Year 11 Drama
Recommended Prior Learning
Year 9 Drama or with HOD approval.
Drama leads onto careers in the performance industry but is also useful for developing public speaking, group work skills and creative thinking, and problem solving.