Art Learning Assisted

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs A. Rogerson.

This course is designed for students who require assistance with their learning and who have an interest in the Visual Arts. Students will research artist models and study drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture and photography.

Depending on ability and work habits, some students may be offered the opportunity to have their work assessed against selected NCEA Level 1, 2 or 3 Visual Arts standards.

A range of additional art materials that may improve your child’s learning and art making experiences will be available for purchase through the school and selected suppliers.

Course Overview

Term 1
Work in this course is tailored to suite each individual student and for much of the time each student is working independently.
Credits are achieved by students as they complete the necessary work and are awarded at different times throughout the year depending on the abilities and work ethics of the students involved.

Term 2
Work in this course is tailored to suite each individual student and for much of the time each student is working independently.
Credits are achieved by students as they complete the necessary work and are awarded at different times throughout the year depending on the abilities and work ethics of the students involved.

Term 3
Work in this course is tailored to suite each individual student and for much of the time each student is working independently.
Credits are achieved by students as they complete the necessary work and are awarded at different times throughout the year depending on the abilities and work ethics of the students involved.

Term 4
Work in this course is tailored to suite each individual student and for much of the time each student is working independently.
Credits are achieved by students as they complete the necessary work and are awarded at different times throughout the year depending on the abilities and work ethics of the students involved.

Recommended Prior Learning

Entry is only available on referral from the Head of the Support Centre and in discussion with The HOD of Visual Arts.