Art Painting - NCEA Level 2

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs A. Rogerson.

In this course students will study the work of a range of established artists, and will learn and develop skills and processes for creating paintings. Students will submit a folio of paintings for their external assessment.

A range of additional art materials that may improve your child’s learning and art making experiences will be available for purchase through the school and selected suppliers.

Course Overview

Term 1
Visual Arts 2.1 - Demonstrate an understanding of methods and ideas from established practice appropriate to painting.

Term 2
Visual Arts 2.2 - Use drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions appropriate to painting.
Visual Arts 2.3 - Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established painting practice
Formative assessment for both these Achievement Standards will be completed by week 7 of this term.

Term 3
Work continues on 2.2 and 2.3 with the aim of producing a large body of work to inform the production of the External Portfolio.

Term 4
Visual Arts 2.4 - Produce a systematic body of work that shows understanding of art making conventions and ideas within painting. Due Week 2 of Term 4 - External Assessment.

Visual Arts 2.2 - Use drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions appropriate to painting.
Visual Arts 2.3 - Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established painting practice.
2.2 and 2.3 will be Summatively assessed Week 5 of Term 4

Visual Arts 2.5 - Produce a resolved work that demonstrates control of skills appropriate to cultural conventions
This standard informs the work for an End of Year Exhibition. Week 6 Term 4.

Recommended Prior Learning

12 credits NCEA Level 1 Visual Arts, or at the discretion of the Head of Art.


Credit Information

You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.

This course is approved for University Entrance.

Total Credits Available: 28
Internal Assessed Credits: 16
External Assessed Credits: 12
Internal or
L1 Literacy Credits
UE Literacy Credits
Numeracy Credits
A.S. 91306 v2

Visual Arts 2.1 - Demonstrate an understanding of methods and ideas from established practice appropriate to painting

Level: 2
Internal or External: Internal
Credits: 4
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0

Term: 2023-03-09, Week: 2023-03-09

A.S. 91311 v2

Visual Arts 2.2 - Use drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions appropriate to painting

Level: 2
Internal or External: Internal
Credits: 4
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0

Term: 2023-03-09, Week: 2023-03-09
Term: 4, Week: 5

A.S. 91316 v2

Visual Arts 2.3 - Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established painting practice

Level: 2
Internal or External: Internal
Credits: 4
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0

Term: 2023-03-09, Week: 2023-03-09
Term: 4, Week: 5

A.S. 91321 v2

Visual Arts 2.4 - Produce a systematic body of work that shows understanding of art making conventions and ideas within painting

Level: 2
Internal or External: External
Credits: 12
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0

Term: 2023-03-09, Week: 2023-03-09

A.S. 91325 v2

Visual Arts 2.5 - Produce a resolved work that demonstrates control of skills appropriate to cultural conventions

Level: 2
Internal or External: Internal
Credits: 4
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0

Term: 2023-03-09, Week: 2023-03-09

Credit Summary
Total Credits: 28
Total Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
Total University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Total Numeracy Credits: 0

Useful Links